It's pretty common knowledge by now that there is one particularly embarrassing e-mail hacked from the CRU: one where a "trick" (which is, in mathematics, engineering, or science, just a way to refer to a neat solution to a problem) is used to "hide the decline" (referring to the divergence of tree ring proxy data from the measured temperatures starting in 1960).
So, is this a case of covering up some nefarious giant conspiracy? It's actually extremely easy to find out if one is a university student. I'll now go through papers through ISI Web of Knowledge [v4.7] - Web of Science as though I was a new graduate student who new to a lab that studies climate change.
Here is thus (dun dun dun!) my first live blog of any event: me reading through research articles! Think of it like reality TV, except through blogging, with fewer insults, and a lot more exciting! ;)
1) Search "climate change" in the Topic field.
Become incredibly depressed at the fact that I have no clue what anyone is saying in most papers. Realize that despite all that hard work in undergraduate studies has done little to prepare someone for actual research. (No, I actually didn't do this, but trust me, this is what every new graduate student feels like. Eventually, though most grad students do make good use of the work habits and some skills learned from undergrad.)
2) Search "Mann M*" in the Author field, "Nature" in the Publication Name field, and 1998 in the Year Published.
Since Dr. Michael E. Mann is the one being targeted, I'll look at his paper.
Well, the name of the paper is "Global-scale temperature patterns and climate forcing over the past six centuries". That already screams out the reason why direct temperature records are insufficient, unless there was a worldwide record of temperatures dating back to 1400.
et al. are already discussing "multiproxy" records (i.e. data from multiple sources, including tree ring data, ice core samples, coral, etc.). Direct temperature measurements are available only from 1902 onward. (In this paper, the data ends at 1995.)
So far, much of the paper goes into describing assumptions necessary to reconstruct the temperature record before 1902. Assumptions of largely linear relationships (you'll see this in many papers), that a sparse number of proxy data sets that are widely distributed will be enough and will capture out-of-measuring range events (such as the El Nino/Southern Oscillation), and that variations in proxy data will have analogues to variations in the temperature records from 1902-1980. Due to the duration of the multiproxy data (600 years), it is safe to assume that statistical reconstruction methods will be sufficient since most temperature cycles occur over the span on the order of a decade (hence, there will be multiple repetitions of temperature cycles over 600 years).
Now, he describes what causes the variations in the multiproxy data. There are five sources that account for 30% of the variations. The first is obviously the overall global warming trend (modern day). The second is the El Nino/Southern Oscillation. The third is the North Atlantic Oscillation. The last two are multi-decade variations in El Nino and the Atlantic basin.
Now, it seems to me that this "hiding the decline" is silly. If one looks at the "hockey stick graph" (Figure 5b), the plot shows the mean of the ACTUAL MEASURED NORTHERN HEMISPHERE TEMPERATURE DATA from 1902-1995 (mostly a mess with the reconstructed, reconstructed 50-year low-pass, and error lines, but still clearly visible after the reconstruction line ends at year 1980). Surprise, surprise, but the mean of the actual recorded temperature is going up.
Also of note is the reconstructed 50-year low-pass line: low-pass doesn't mean "lowering the temperature displayed" or anything like that. It refers to a low-pass filter to get rid of the noise in the data (since noise is high frequency and will not pass through the filter). Just to get that out of the way.
What probably happened was that Dr. Mann was faced with an incomplete data set for the tree-ring proxy data after 1960, given that the extrapolated temperature from the tree rings diverged from the data obtained from other proxy sources (as well as, you know, the actual temperature). As such, Dr. Mann just filled in the blanks with the actual temperature so that he could finish the demonstration of his technique.
To me, this paper is mostly about introducing the technique of using multiple proxies to extrapolate the temperature record. The temperature reconstruction itself is almost secondary. The tree-ring data could be replaced with some other proxy source if desired, and a new reconstruction could be made using the multiple proxy technique.
Scientists have already expanded on Dr. Mann's work with more extensive temperature reconstructions using far more proxies in far more locations. Other scientists have gone on their own way with other techniques. Guess what? Despite variations in the reconstructions, the one consistent theme is the rapid increase in modern day temperature.
That's it for now, I guess. It's pretty easy to refute the "hide the decline" claims by just looking at Figure 5b (with the mean of the ACTUAL MEASURED TEMPERATURE plotted from 1902-1995). Furthermore, the tree-ring data is only one proxy source, with other proxy sources (such as the ice core samples and coral growth) used for the temperature reconstructions. I'm still happy that I read the entire paper, though. Learning new things is never a bad thing.
Still, the paper is over a decade old (even though it is a high-impact paper). Perhaps I'll live blog yet another paper reading one day... a newer one with the latest science.
Peace and long life.